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What is CMNtv?

CMNtv stands for Community Media Network TV. CMNtv is a Public Access TV station, Community Media Center, and Video Production facility serving Southeast Oakland County, Michigan.

What is CMNtv's Mission?

CMNtv empowers individuals and organizations to share their voices with the community.

How Does CMNtv Fulfill this Mission?

CMNtv fulfills its mission in the following ways:

Individuals - CMNtv offers low-cost membership & training in Video Production and Media Creation to the general public. After training, CMNtv Members get access to professional video production equipment and facilities to produce non-commercial programming for CMNtv's Public Access Cable TV and Online Streaming channel.

Members may also submit programming for playback they have produced using their own equipment without CMNtv resources or training.

Schools & Students - CMNtv provides video coverage of sports, events, and graduations for school districts in its funding communities. CMNtv staff offers training on its Remote Production Truck to students enrolled in Video Production programs at high schools in its funding communities. Trained students and public access members are offered opportunities to work on Remote Production Truck shoots throughout the year.

CMNtv also consults with its school districts' video coordinators and teachers on technical and training concerns.

Organizations - CMNtv provides select video coverage of events and concerts for organizations & music groups located in our funding communities. CMNtv also offers dedicated production services for Non-Profit Organizations through its Non-Profit Services.

Government - CMNtv provides video coverage for civic events, forums and local government meetings as well as technical consultation through our Government Production Services.

What is Public Access TV? What is PEG? What is Community Media?

Public Access TV is a dedicated channel on local cable reserved for programming created by residents.

PEG stands for Public, Education, Government cable television. CMNtv's primary purpose is to administer the P - Public - channel and resources. CMNtv also offers support to E - Education channels and G - Government channels of our funding communities.

From Wikipedia:

Community media is any form of media that is created and controlled by a community, either a geographic community or a community of identity or interest. Community media is separate from commercial media, state run media, or public broadcasting.

CMNtv's programming is commercial-free and is composed almost entirely of productions created by members of our community. CMNtv programming is independent of government editorial control. CMNtv is not affiliated with PBS or The Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

CMNtv Funding

CMNtv Funding does NOT come from tax dollars.

The majority of CMNtv's funding comes from Franchise fees paid by Cable Companies to our communities. These communities, in turn, dedicate a portion of these fees to the operation of CMNtv through its relationship with the ICCA.

Community Media Network - Public Access TV