DIY Membership for NPOs Overview
Do-It-Yourself or DIY Membership for NPOs allows organizations and their staff to utilize CMNtv Media Training, Equipment and Resources to produce media exclusively in support of their Organization's mission.
Eligible Non-Profit Organizations receive discounts on membership and class fees for their staff to learn and produce their own media.

What Does a DIY Membership for NPOs Include?
Full Membership for Your Organization and its Staff
- Your NPO becomes a Full Member of CMNtv for a single, annual fee. Designated staff members of your Organization gain Full Membership under your NPO account as its representatives.
- Those representative members are eligible to take CMNtv Training and use CMNtv Equipment and Facilities at discounted rates. CMNtv empowers your staff to make their own media using CMNtv tools.
- These members are restricted to producing media solely in support of your Organization's mission.
Orientation & Training
- Allows your staff members to register for CMNtv Orientation
- Allows your staff members to register for CMNtv Training (prices based on residency of NPO headquarters)
Program Playback
- Allows your organization to submit Programming for Playback on CMNtv
Use of Equipment & Facilities
- Use of CMNtv equipment and facilities for production of Public Access Programming related exclusively to your NPO's mission. (after completing training; prices & privileges based on residency of NPO headquarters)
Media Board Announcements
- Allows your Organization to submit Announcements to the CMNtv Media Board
- Subscribes your Organization to the CMNtv Email Newsletter
- Allows your Organization to purchase items from the CMNtv Online Store
Duration & Renewal
- DIY Membership for NPOs renews annually on the date of registration, including the organization and its staff members
Pricing & Fees
- Membership pricing and fees are determined by location of Organization's headquarters.

- Your organization must be a registered Non-Profit Organization.
- Residency of NPO and Non-Profit status is verified via Tax Exempt IRS ID Number provided to CMNtv and NPO headquarters address.
- Resident DIY Membership for NPOs is open to NPOs with headquarters located in a current funding city:
Auburn Hills, Berkley, Oakland Twp, Royal Oak, Rochester, Troy
- Non-Resident DIY Membership for NPOs is open
to non-profit organizations located in all other cities.

How to Register
- A designated contact person may register their Non-Profit Organization's membership and pay online below, in person at CMNtv or over the phone.
- The membership will be registered under the organization's name and list the contact info of the organization AND a single, designated staff contact person.
- Residency of the NPO's headquarters and tax exempt status will be verified by CMNtv Staff via IRS Tax ID number and address. You will be contacted by CMNtv prior to final membership activation and NPO staff registration.
- For more information, please see our Membership FAQ.

Choose NPO Staff Level
- There are two levels of DIY NPO Membership.
- Each level allows a different total number of your NPO Staff to receive CMNtv Membership under your NPO account.
- Your NPO may have up to 5 or up to 10 staff members covered under your NPO account.
- Pricing of each level is determined by location of your organization's headquarters (Resident or Non-Resident).