In Depth: DSLR Video

Capacity: 4 Students | Resident Price: $25 | Non-Resident Price: $200
Upcoming Classes & Registration
Panasonic GH3 Camera
This camera captures quality high definition video in addition to stills. You’ll learn about the Panasonic GH3 DSLR camera’s features and controls, as well as audio and lighting setup, plus handheld technique.
Open to Full Members
Completion allows you to rent a Panasonic GH3 DSLR camera kits for Public Access productions (see certification & rental details below).
Completion of the In Depth Video with a DSLR class certifies you to rent the Panasonic GH3 DSLR Camera Kit for Public Access productions.
You must have an active Full Membership (Resident or Non-Resident) to rent the GH3 DSLR Camera Kit.
Panasonic GH3 DSLR Camera Public Access Rental kits include:
- Panasonic GH3 Camera, batteries & charger
- Manfrotto Tripod
- HDMI HD Monitor
- Rails, Shoulder Mount, Follow Focus system
- H4N Zoom Audio Recorder
- Rode Microphone
Panasonic GH3 DSLR Camera Kit Rental Pricing
- Resident Members - Up to 48 hours/Free
- Non-Resident Members - Up to 48 hours/$50
Rentals are subject to existing CMNtv Equipment Rental & Reservation Policies.
For Commercial usage please see our Commercial Rentals page.
Class Outline
Week 1
- CMNtv Policies & Class Overview
- Differences Between DSLRs and Other Camcorders
- DSLR Equipment pt.1 - Camera Body, Lenses, Tripod
- External Control Layout
- Internal Menu Navigation
Week 2
- DSLR Equipment pt.2 - Monitor, Cage, Shoulder Rig, Follow Focus, RODE Shotgun Mic
- Language of Video: Shots & Sequences
- Shot Types & Camera Movements
- DSLR Video Project: PSA
Week 3
- Review of PSA Footage
- DSLR Equipment pt.3 - Zoom H4n, Microphones, Lighting, Diffusion
- Basics of Three-Point Lighting
- Documentary Interview Setup
- DSLR Video Project: One-on-One Interview
Week 4
- Review of One-on-One Interview Footage
- DSLR Equipment pt.4 - Variable ND, Step-Up Ring
- Shooting Handheld
- Positioning Cameras and Mics for a Dialogue Scene
- Field Production Project: Dialogue Scene Shoot
Week 5
- Review of Dialogue Scene Footage
- Field Equipment pt.5 - Edelkrone Slider, Other HDMI Monitors, Color Gels
- Turning in Programming
- Production Q&A