The city of Lathrup Village’s annual Fall Fest. Fun for all ages with kid friendly music, juggling, games, face painting, bounce house, hayrides, hot dogs, cider and donuts.

The city of Lathrup Village’s annual Fall Fest. Fun for all ages with kid friendly music, juggling, games, face painting, bounce house, hayrides, hot dogs, cider and donuts.
The second annual Kimmie Horne Jazz Festival took place on August 11-12, 2017 in Annie Lathrup Park in Lathrup Village. For more information, visit:
Producer: CMNtv Director & Post Production: Ben Curry Camera Operators: Amy Ingalls, Victor Sabadous, Nancy Line
Michigan First Summer in the Village celebration held June 17, 2017. Lathrup Village, Michigan. Camera: Molly Jeszke & James Risko Post Production: Molly Jeszke
1230 Souter Dr
Troy, MI 48083
t: 248-589-7778
f: 248-589-7779
SUN-MON: Closed
Tues-Fri: 1pm-8pm
Sat: By Appointment